Officially Sweden’s first restaurant accepting Bitcoin Lightning payments.
Officially Sweden’s first restaurant accepting Bitcoin Lightning payments: Falafel Baren in Södermalm, Stockholm.
Officially Sweden’s first restaurant accepting Bitcoin Lightning payments: Falafel Baren in Södermalm, Stockholm.
Är 2025 året då Bitcoin blir mainstream?
2025 är här – ska du fortsätta stå kvar på perrongen eller är det i år du hoppar på tåget och upptäcker vad som är på allas läppar?
Hela våren bjuder vi in till Les Femmes Orange -Meetups – avslappnade kvinnoträffar för dig som vill lära dig mer om bitcoin.
Ta med väninnorna, grannen eller farmor och kom och bitcoinmys med oss! Det är allt annat än pretentiöst, bara kul och inspirerande. Alla är välkomna – med eller utan förkunskaper!
✨ Vad händer på denna träff?
Do you want to be one of the first to stay ahead as Bitcoin steadily gains ground and trust in Sweden and the global market? Yes, you do!
In this exciting workshop, we will explore how you can Introduce Bitcoin into your business and Find New Pathways to an Expanded Customer Base and Improved Cash Flow 🚀
What is included in your 100 SEK entry fee?
This is not just a workshop – it’s an opportunity to take control of your finances, both short & long term. This could be the most important investment you make for both yourself and your colleagues! 🚀
Link to
Les Femmes Orange is a network focusing on supporting & empowering women’s participation in the Bitcoin Community. We aim to create a safe community and a supportive network for women where we can share knowledge, experiences and resources to enhance our roles and influence in this still male-dominated sector. Be part of the financial revolution and own some bitcoin early! Read more about the network at
Time: Thursday, September 26, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM Drop in from 4:30 PM.
Location: BTCX Office, Gamla Stan (adress will be provided upon registration)
Frequency: Once a month
Second meetup, ladies! I’ve prepared something for both beginners and ”bitcoin-curious”, and for you who can name-drop Hal Finney into a normal conversation.
What to expect:
Some Basics about Bitcoin: For beginners, we’ll start off with a simple introduction to what Bitcoin is and why it’s important!
Current and New Concepts: Get up to date with the latest discussions within the Bitcoin community. What’s being talked about right now? We’ll go over new and relevant concepts to help you stay informed.
Of course we’ll have time for mingling and conversation. Let’s keep our vibrant Bitcoin spirit alive in a society that often focuses only on the negative aspects. Here, we are all about highlighting the positive and supporting each other!
And remember, if you’re a man you are warmly welcome – if you bring a woman! And also, this is a bitcoin only meetup.
Sept. 28, Saturday, 2 pm to 9 pm
Bitcoin BBQ + Pool Party Meetup @BitcoinGalleriet Öland
Join us for the Öland Harvest Festival, and kick it off with a splash at our Bitcoin Pool Party Meetup!
Enjoy a sizzling barbecue with fellow enthusiasts, and don’t forget to bring your favorite food and drinks to share.
Dive into the world of decentralized technologies, share your insights, and help shape the future of a new renaissance. Connect with like-minded individuals, and let’s ignite a peaceful revolution together!
See link
We want to provide friendly and open events where we discuss bitcoin and its current and potential role in the global economy. If you’re new to the idea, this is the place to go for educated discussions from both professionals and experienced amateurs in the space. And if you are said professional or experienced amateur, this is your opportunity to go in depth in the topic with like minded peers.
Note! This is a Bitcoin Only-event. We are not interested in NFT’s, altcoins or general blockchain discussions.
See Link.
Missa inte Stockholms första Les Femmes Orange Meetup @ BTCX centralt belägna kontor i Gamla Stan!
Les Femmes Orange är ett nätverk som fokuserar på att stödja och stärka kvinnors deltagande i Bitcoin-gemenskapen.
Tid: Torsdagen den 29 augusti, 17:00 – 18:00 Drop in från 16:30.
Plats: BTCX kontor, Gamla Stan (adress ges vid registrering)
OBS. Organisatör är gruppen BITCOIN på
Är du i närheten av Norrköping den 17 augusti? Då har du möjligheten att under avslappnade former hänga med oss i styrelsen en sväng. Vi är där för ett arbetsdygn och vill på kvällen gärna träffa medlemmar eller andra intresserade ( = potentiella medlemmar).
| har intervjuat Bitcoinföreningen om det kommande årliga symposiet. Läs hela artikeln här.